Here we go. Who the hell am I?

If you happened to “stumble” upon this place, I bid you welcome to this humble abode of many weirdly wired braincells. I’m Rawen, or Rawi as called by the closer folks. You’re right, this handsome ball of floof is how you’ll “see” me the most often in the online space; a wolf “wearing” all black with a silvery face and blue eyes. Why wolf? Because I like them. Why an animal avatar for the Interwebs? Because I’m fond of animals and matching one’s traits to an animal has been done throughout centuries since fables became a thing. So why not do that? And if that image can be done to my liking I’m all for it.

Ok, enough rambling. Who are you, like, actually?

Alright, I’ll get into the “business” side of things. First of, I’m just a rando with too many thoughts in my head and just one day decided to pour these out into the wild. I’m techie (a certified idiot at that), a gamer (not the ™ kind, don’t worry), a “forever kid” despite my already somewhat advanced age as you have probably established. I can also occasionally grab a digital pen and draw something.

Techie? And certified idiot? How am I to understand that?

Well, my dear reader, the techie part is quite easy. I like tech stuff in general. Always did since I was a kid. The idea of having various tech things working together, making your life convenient, easier or sometimes even giving you back the abilities you may have lost over the course of your life was always enticing. So it also mildly (sometimes not so mildly) pisses me off when this stuff is used in stupid ways. And why certified idiot? That’s a term I coined for myself since I actually have a degree in this field. So yeah, I’ve got some formal education. And I’m still just a random idiot. But now with a certificate to prove it :p

A gamer? What kind?

Indeed, and quite an old one at that. I’m a kid of 90’s so my eyes got CRT burn marks. I remember cases of the colour of prosthetic legs. Days of having to set up your hardware properly to have stuff like sound working. All the “great” things (be grateful folks that you have it so easy these days). What kind of games? Old-style FPS games, occasional RTS (Westwood, my beloved) and more recently I shifted towards automation games and overall calmer stuff. What can I say, I’m getting old and I also have a really low tolerance for online bullcrap.

Woah, you’re not really mincing words.

Oh yes >:3 Believe me, my dear reader, that I won’t. I’m not much into pussy footing around stuff when it comes to calling the things the way they are. Occasionally I might sound quite mad and I can be quite a foul mouth. Don’t like it? Shame, because you’d have trouble “surviving” in the place where I come from. I’m just built different.

Wait, the animal picutre and the way you show up as them … are you a furry?

Good question and allow me a “diplomatic” answer; Yes and No.

Umm, what? What do you mean yes and no?

Yes in a sense that I like the core idea of creating an animal likeness of yourself. Sometimes even multiple ones to match certain traits, have your personal role models etc. No in a sense that I don’t really identify with the broader fandom due to some gripes I have with it and how it presents itself.

Not really since I don’t do it as a job and my drawings aren’t exactly that share-worthy. Although from time to time I’ll drop some of my silly scribbles that aren’t too personal or when they accompany a text well. And before you get any dirty thoughts, get your mind out of the gutter. I’m absolutely strictly SFW when it comes to my life.

Alright, so what can I expect from you here?

Since you already got this far, seems like I caught your interest! So what to expect here? Random ramblings about various things, rants about stupid shit that’s happening around the world and happens to catch my attention enough that I need to get it off my chest … stuff like that. Now, keep in mind that whatever I write here are just my own personal views. They’re not to be taken as mantras, personal codes or anything of that sort.

So, if you’re interested, feel free to join the ride!