Ranty Rawi ... Meme culture is not coping but masking of apathy

Yup, I said it. I finally said the thing that’s been sitting in my brain for years and it’s one of the things that seriously makes me look at my generation with a significant level of disdain. And no, I’m not saying that to feel better about myself. I too have been there and you can observe the results of that stay. So, why am I harping about this now? Well, if your hair isn’t on fire anymore, let’s dive in. Small disclaimer, I may not be mincing words from time to time and I may also dive into some really sensitive things so, read at your own discretion.

Alright, let’s do this. Each and every time something incredibly stupid happens it takes mere minutes for it to start circulating the interwebs. More often than not, the “best of the best” moments get pulled out of context and become the expected meme material to be used in various situations. One could say that memes became a form of universal language; widely understood, easy to use and very expressive.

However, there’s an insidious danger to them. One, they can and often do get overused making them lose their effect. This isn’t exactly dangerous it’s more of a nuissance. The dangerous thing is the situtations in which they get used, especially referencing real world events and issues. And here’s the core of my rant; using memes as a coping mechanic with real world. Because it’s not a coping mechanic at all.

Why? Well, let me explain. You know who court jesters were in the medieval times? Fun fact, they weren’t the bright-clothed fools we tend to associate them with (though I admit the bright looks are much better but that’s just me loving the aesthetic). In fact, they used to be the most trusted advisors, they were the only people allowed to inform about the bad news and they also had one privilege no other person had in the court; they could, within reason of course, openly criticise the ruler. Now you’re definitely asking why I chose this analogy. Well, look into many of the online spaces and how the meme culture works in them. So many pieces used not to lighten the mood but to covertly attack whatever the author disagrees with. But what does it do in the end? That’s right, abso-fucking-lutely nothing. All it does is the mere display of apathy. It’s effectively saying “Yeah, I can do fuck all about this but hey, at least I can slap together this trash.”

Want a punchier example? Let’s play a game. Imagine yourself as a leader of a country; an autocrat with a signifact level of power. Now, you’ll obviously have your followers but also your resistance. Now, there’s a space for them to engage with each other in a relatively harmless, at least in terms of physical harm, environment (mental harm is a whole different chapter). Of course your resistance will be ridiculing you and your followers while your followers will be ridiculing the resistance.

So, what will you do as the autocratic leader?

Take your time to think, no need to rush.

Got an idea? Want to hear mine? Well, let’s just say that me, as the leader, would just be enjoying my life and all the privileges I have from my position while doing absolutely nothing about the utterly ridiculous fight happening between my subjects.

“But they’re being offensive to their ruler!” No, they’re not, my dear follower. They’re attacking your sense of pride while displaying a complete lack of power and will to change the situation. Because if they wanted a change, they would actively work for it instead of becoming glorified clowns (and that’s a disgrace to clowns because they’re to be a source of playful joy).

“But you’re an incompetent idiot and a disgrace to the position!” Alright, my dear resistant citizen, then tell me how your masked apathy is helping your cause. Does it imporve the situation for you or someone you’re protecting? No? I thought so.

That’s right, my dear reader, as long as this shit-flinging contest is happening, the leader is safe. The proverbial “shit hitting the fan” moment is either when the fight goes too quiet or there’s an actual sense of organisation. Until then though, I’m afraid your “attacks” are mere mask to hide your powerlessness.
