Self-Mentoring II ... Promises of freedom are not for you

Time to ruffle some feaethers again. And I know I will because I already managed that with this one:

Those who claim to bring freedom will be the ones who will restrict it the most.

We’ve been hearing this song quite a lot recently, especially during the pandemic years where we really had to have a chunk of our freedoms temporarily taken away or at least have it heavily checked in an interest of public safety. How well that worked and how well or badly it has been handled will be a debate for decades to come and I highly doubt everyone agreed with everything that was done but that’s not what I’m trying to focus on. My intention with this “lesson” (can I even call it lessons?) is to focus on these various “freedom fighters”, shouting and screaming “THEY’RE CONTROLLING YOU!” whenever a regulation come into play or some rights are adjusted, often benefiting common folks. Welp, let’s strap in for the ride.

Whenever I someone like this, screaming how their freedoms are being “stepped on” by this and that law, I usually try and take a good look on why it’s being done. And honestly, often times you find out that the said “victim” isn’t a victim of any oppression at all. More often than not they’re someone who either did or are engaged in something that’s probably not so clean and they’re running from responsibility. And if you’re breaking some rules, it’s not the rules that are oppressing you but it’s more likely your conscience pulling your provebial leash. I’ll have a separate lesson on that one later since it links more towards personal freedoms and why you don’t feel free personally when doing “whatever you want because you can”.

Now let’s take this idea and apply it to public figures. Various “influencers” (I’d rather use a word “propagandist” here because that’s often what they are, useful imbeciles regurgitating whatever arse-brained vomit that gives them attention) invested in this particular grift (lesson I, wink wink) do this pretty much to stay relevant and visible. They don’t give a quarter of a rat’s arse about you, the “consumer”. They just want to save their sorry existence. And let me tell you something, if what they talk about becomes a thing, they’ll be really quickly tossed into the meat grinder along with their followers by the “regime of freedom”. To quote one of my favourite villains:

You exist, because we allow it and you will end, because we demand it.

So yeah, if you happen to stumble upon a fool like that, take whatever they’re spouting with a freight train worth of salt and frankly, better switch to someone more wholesome if you want an inspirational person in your life. If anything, it’ll bring something nice into your off-time.

Alright, let’s go step up now, politicians. Yup, we have to dip our toes into this shit-swamp. We’re all seeing the worrying rise of various radical views, claiming that “XYZ are stealing your jobs.” or “THEIR government are stealing your rights.” and all that utter rotten verbal diarhea. And then you get the promises of “true freedom” and all that. Isn’t there always something weird in those words? Why is there so much fear? Why isn’t there something more concrete, just vague promises? Moreover, how do these people manage to call these “giga-dangerous oppressors” both all-powerful and utterly demented in one sentence at the very same time? Ask yourself then, how can you trust someone like this to deliver on their promise?

The answer to that question is terrifying. They in fact can, except that promise is not for you. Their promises of freedom are not for you, the ordinary person. Those promises are for them and only for them so they can throw away their responsibilities to the wind and behave as everything belongs to them and them only. And if you trust such a person, worse, if you cheer for such a person, believe me, you’re not in a bright future of freedom. You’re merely buying time in the queue for the bullet to the head. Because it’s indeed only a matter of time when you do something the “enlightened” won’t like and at that point, no screaming of “my freedoms” will save you. And the scariest part is that you won’t even notice that you brought this upon yourself because you’ll be blinded by their rethoric. And when that blindfold eventually falls off, it’ll be too late.

So, what’s the lesson to take away from this rather unsetteling text? If someone gives you vague promises of freedom, demand to know more. Keep pushing that person to reveal their true motives or at the very least get them into a position where their mask cracks a little. Because if someone trully wants to grant or preserve your freedom, they’ll know what to do and tell you the exact plans. They won’t hide behind uncertain promises and layers of fear and hate.
