Self-Mentoring V ... Looking at the World through someone's public arsehole sure makes it look like shit. So ... don't

I can already see you going: “What in the Jesus and all his carpenter friends is that title?” Well, I felt “poetic”. And it’s quite poignant when you get into what I’m about to say in this chapter, this time aimed at “public idols” and their “senseless adoration”.

Public figures are not to be worshipped and/or trusted. They’re to be kept on a tight leash and made sure they do their job right. Remember, you gave them this job so you’re their boss. Not the other way around.

Starting to feel where the wind is blowing from (gosh, this sounds weird given the title)? In this chapter I’ll be taking a jab at the zealotry people have for various public figures. Be it celebrities, influencers (erf, I’ll always hate this word) and especially governmental officials. There’s always an “army” of people (and frankly, I’m using the term people mainly because they’re human beings) who are just completely incapable of holding their idols accountable even if they decided to start shooting puppies on sight. The brainless worship is something that honestly evaded my mind since I was a kid and stays with me ‘til this day. I simply don’t understand cults of personalities, celebrity fandoms etc.

But that’s a bit of a tangent peek into how I think. The point I want to get across, and I already hinted at it, is that these figures are where they are because of you, the people. So in essence, you are their boss, right? Shouldn’t they answer to you with their work?

Look at influencers/celebrities. They pretty much need people not only as gauge of their “power” but to essentially stay alive and do their job. At the same time, you’re responsible to keep them in check and set boundaries at what they’re allowed to do. Remember, you give them space to do their work and you can just as easily “fire” them. How? Hold them accountable. Make sure they exercise responsibility for their actions and words. They’re in a position of influence, they’re responsible for how they use it. And if they use it irresponsibly, they should face consequences. Doesn’t matter how great they do. To add a quote:

Your achievements, no matter how great, don’t absolve you of basic responsibility nor give you any right to be worshipped or have aby following.

Keep this in mind whenever you encounter someone like this. Just because they’re doing some stuff right doesn’t mean they’re all fine and dandy. Always keep some critcal eye on these folks and don’t get sucked into their sphere.

Now, this was about celebrities but what about public officals or politicians? Whoo boy, time to drop the bomb and piss off whatever US audience I might have. I’m absolutely dumb-founded by the way you handle elections. Leaving my opinion on “US being a democracy” aside because that would be an equivalent of dropping an entire nuclear arsenal, the level of zealotry when it comes to poilitical candidates is insane. Like, seriously, I’m watching this from the sidelines of a dweller somewhere in the middle of Europe and I’m legit losing braincells. It doesn’t help something similar is happening here, albeit in at a smaller scale still. And you know what’s worrying? That the people that are being upheld there are usually shitheads to a lesser or greater degree! For fuck’s sake, some of these people will literally throw your kids into concentration camps just so you can, I don’t know, have cheaper beer? Or my favourite “Own the libs”? Yes, amazing own, you braindead monkey.

It’s mindblowing and fucking depressing watching this rectal alpinism. And yet there is quite a simple first step (wink wink, chapter I). Just like with celebrities, start holding these people accountable. You gave them this job, then make sure they do it right. And I mean do it right. People in this position should be scared shitless about making a mistake because of their direct influence over others. They should make sure they don’t cause harm or at the very least as little as possible if an inconvenient step needs to be made. To quote yet again one of my favourite villains:

You exist, because we allow it. And you will end, because we demand it!

This should sit in the head of every public official regardless of their position. Because they have thousands or millions of people holding a proverbial knife to their throat, ready to cut it open when they fail. As for us, it’s our job to remind them every single second of their lives. So instead of sticking your heads inside their arses, pull their shit our and throw them right into it. Then give them a clean-up and kick them to do their work right.
